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Psychology Office
Patricia Driskill, Ph.D.
Julie Bates, Ph.D.
We are located off Slide Rd on 75th St. directly west of Plains Capital Bank. Our building is on the north side of 75th Street directly across from the tennis courts.

Our practice is currently 100% assessment based. We provide psychological assessments for children and adults. We do not currently provide therapy or counseling services. Psychological assessments can help with determining a diagnosis, facilitating treatment planning such as through your physician or counselor, or making additional recommendations for support. We offer options for evaluations in multiple areas. Please see our FAQ for more information regarding whether an evaluation is the right option for you.
Sick Child Notice: Please do not bring your child to our office if he/she is sick or has been sick in the last 3 days. We do not want to expose our staff or other clients. In addition, evaluations completed when a child is not feeling well are likely to be invalid. Please call to reschedule as you will be sent home if you arrive with a sick child.
Weather Notice: Our office will typically follows all LISD weather closures
Cancellation Notice: Please cancel your appointment 48 hours in advance. Appointments missed without calling or cancelled late might not be eligible to be rescheduled or subject to a cancellation fee.
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